Thursday, 12 July 2012


If now you reason the way i do, let us discuss on how to step out. Most times, its just that first step sthat matters. just like a little baby learning how to walk.

Running your own business is a rewarding but engaging career and life choice. It demands your time and focus. Start by expecting to live your work until it is established so it can get off the ground. There are many different opinions about how to start a business from researching and writing a detailed business plan -- to organize it all -- to just jumping into a passion and trying to make money out of it.

Try these steps:

  • Think of every day problems and then think of how to help them. Make sure its something you can make with your own hands, or some simple tools.

  • Start with your idea. This probably isn't a brand new invention or product. In fact, many successful small businesses have found a way to deliver an existing service or product more efficiently and economically or have customized an existing product or service to fit an opportunity.

  • Put together a business plan. This doesn't require hundreds of pages with thousands of charts. Include research into things like how much you can charge for your product/service, how much it will cost to produce or deliver (include variable & fixed costs) and the size of your potential market (i.e. number of customers). The plan should evaluate your competitors - how many competitors, how strong are they, where are they, how will you compete. The plan should state what is required to enter this market, barriers to entry such as high fixed costs (factories, restaurants) and government regulations that must be met.

  • Determine if you need financing. Your business plan will include a section on financing. How will you pay the costs to start and run your business? Do you need a bank loan? Use credit cards? Self finance? Also, you'll need to consider how much salary you need to support yourself while starting your business.

  • Put together your initial marketing plan. Marketing need not cost a fortune. Some businesses require very little. For example, many service businesses such as accounting firms build their practices through word-of-mouth referrals. You can also join free or low-cost associations to build awareness of your small business. Again, your business plan (product, customer, competitor) will help you determine the marketing efforts you need to undertake.

  • Build your infrastructure early. This doesn't mean build a big factory or a fancy office. It simply means keep accurate customer records, a clean set of updated books and a technology foundation, if necessary. One of the downfalls of many small businesses is that they don't know if they're making or losing money (i.e. the need for a clean set of books). Another downfall is when small business owners try to sell their company years later but lack accurate customer history and customer information. Many times, the customers of a small business are its best asset, and, without the records, the small business can be sold only for salvage.

  • Move forward and get started. Once you know you can be profitable take the leap and get started. Besides getting business supplies or advertising, plan ahead by establishing some new business clients ahead of time. If you're business is unlike a restaurant, that physically needs to wait for customers to walk into it's doors, establish accounts ahead of time. In this way, you will have pre-planned future receivables to look forward to. Think about and focus on making money first, where ever possible, instead of spending money. The more money you can bring in, without spending money, the more profitable you are going to be.

  • Use the web. Use every technology available that will give your business a competitive advantage. The internet is a customers research tool. Help future customers learn more about you and the details about what you sell and why your products or services are different and better for them than other competitors.

  • Make paying for your items or service convenient. In today's world, understand how people pay. Carrying cash can be risky. Therefore, most people choose to carry checque,Visa, Mastercard, Atm cards. Especially now that the CBN has insisted on the cashless policy. All these credit cards are part of our societies everyday life for making purchases. Debit cards are becoming especially popular. So, along with having a sales counter cash register, get set up to accept credit cards for your business. If you have your website set up, you should also make paypal payments available because most consumers feel that this is more secure, and many will use paypal.
  • ...................................keep posted,,,,,drop your comments and ideas,lets see where you are and how to help. see you @the TOP. 


    Most people feel that else the land into an office where Airconditioner cools like the freezer they wouldnt ceed searching. some feel that else they have a good job that pays them over 200,000 NGN and receive even more benefits, they wouldnt stop. But the most of the numbers never realy had the opportunity to land any job atall.

    Now, if what you think,want,or wish is to become a very succesfull/rich person, then its time you stop searching for jobs. Mere inquiry will convince you that about the highest number of rich people in the world never really worked in the bank,oil companies,or communication companies. they are those that made the crazy decisions and did it themselves.

    while others sleep at night, they are thinking on how to turn the world into money. They are the ENTREPRENEURS. The NEVER SAY DIE's. all they see is opportunities,even in failure,they say its a steping stone. Do you care to know some of them? well, i guess you know them more than i do. Bill Gate(the microsoft founder) Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs(the man who made apple software) Aliko dangote,(black richest man,Femi Otedola,Greg Hugohills,,,,,,and so on. its your choice on wether to insert your name or not.
    Are you now set to make money? follow me here,lets talk,lets reason,lets guide you through the path we had passed and conquered.
    Do you believe that success is won, innate, or earned? The answer someone gives can tell you a lot about them, and why they are where they are.
    Success is won: if you believe that success is won, you experience animosity and envy toward those you view as lucky or more fortunate than you. You also believe that success is out of your control; it simply depends on a flip of the coin or certain circumstances.
    How hard are you willing to work if you believe that success is won rather than earned?
    Success is innate: people who believe success is innate often feel the same as those who believe it’s won. The only difference is that believers in innate-success have a more pessimistic view of opportunity; it’s trivial to them (we’ll go over this a little later). Why does opportunity matter if success is innate?
    How hard are you willing to work if you feel your opportunity doesn’t matter and your chances of success are nil because of your circumstances?
    Success is earned: the last group of people believes what we know to be true based on statistical analysis; success is earned. These people understand that in order to succeed, they must earn it. How do they earn it? They climb the mountain and utilize the same process others have used to achieve.
    How hard are you willing to work if you believe success must be earned?