Monday, 24 June 2013

3 Magics to boost your self confidence.

Self-confidence is a critical mix in the brewing of success in life.  It means assurance and poise.  The opposite of it include timidity and insecurity.
Self-assurance and poise are the marks of someone with sure steps.  It is only those who know where they are going that can step out with self-assurance and poise.
Conversely timid and insecure people hardly know where they are going and they step out with unsure steps and are fearful, knowing not where to go.
How can one build the kind of self-confidence being described here? If you are asking this question, here are three basic steps you can use:
  • Commitment
  • Courage, and
  • Action
One of the best words used to describe commitment is dedication.  To be successful in life, one must be committed to a good cause.  The cause could be social, economic and cultural. Another way to see the cause is to think about your purpose, vision and passion for the achievement of your purpose in and what you see of your life in future.
Let’s take for example that the cause for which you have committed yourself is selling.  You think, feel and is motivated to help people find products and services that would improve or simplify their lives and business processes.  Your commitment to be the best salesman that ever was through study and application would endow you with the next step to building self-confidence which is courage.
Courage also means audacity.  Audacity refers to the boldness and the nerve to do what you must do.  We all have some inherent fears about venturing out.  There are several fear factors but the three core fears are fear of failure, fear of rejection and fear of success.  Fear cripples the best ideas.  Fear hinders progress.  Courage comes when your need to be the best salesman overshadows your fear of failure, fear of rejection and fear of success.  At this point you key into the realm of self leadership which involves knowing what needs to be done and going ahead to doing it regardless of the challenges you face.  You have that boldness to do the very next thing critical to building your self-confidence which is take action.
Action also means, exploit, deed and accomplishment. When you develop the courage to exploit the countless opportunities of life regardless of your circumstances, you have keyed into the special character trait of successful people – self-confidence.
Action emboldens the actor.  There is an irrevocable law about getting – it is giving.  The more you give of yourself into a good cause you believe in, the more you get for yourself and the more confident you become in the overall.
Think about it.


  1. Replies
    1. God bless the eyes that sees, the heart that accepts and the future that will be made.

    2. God bless the eyes that sees, the heart that accepts and the future that will be made.
