Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Dont quit your ideas till it work, act upon every idea that comes your way. write it down every time it comes. And what if you prefer the paid employment: remember that a good idea is money. Develope it and sell it, many people need it. Dont let them die in you brain. When sold, you are certainly richer!

GETTING READY...............................

                                             JUST BEFORE 2013
That feeling you get when you are about to make a very essential journey to a country you had never been to. You first apply and obtain a VISA (visit, business, work or residential). You make a hotel reservation or contact a relation in residence. You undergo medicals, and get set for the journey. Each minute of the departure day is filled with anxiety and tension. You check your papers over and over again; check your luggage as well. Make your important calls.
Now, you are at the departure airport and its time, you get checked in successfully, and you are on-board. That feeling when the air-craft is off, whatever religion you practice, at this time you want to talk to your god for safety...
That exactly is the feeling we need to nurse this very period. Haven come all the way long from Jan. 2012, and now in hope of exiting it to a new year 2013. It’s not just enough to merry, there is every reason to be thankful, grateful and recollective. Many battles were won and lost, many business mistakes, and success, many great hopes yet await.
As a business owner, our customers are like gods, like children, they need you to appreciate them for patronage. They could have gone elsewhere to get the service. No matter how professional your expertise, there is always someone, somewhere that can do the job you do. Make an honest appreciation to your customers, clients and friends. That is the starting point of planning your 2013. It’s magical; it is a way of enlarging your reach. The happy customers will spread the good news; you might need to work less.
Now, it is time to list all the ideas that worked and failed in the 2012. Take them down meticulously, be honest to yourself. Then, list the reasons it succeeded and failed. Get them on a new diary or your computer. Again, its time to add new ideas to it, re-form the old ideas, and plan a budget for the New Year. Many people shy away from budgeting. Whether as a business owner or as an employee, or as a student. Budgeting is very key to a happy and successful life/business. “An unplanned life is not worth living”. Delete your wants and input your needs.
Even atheists, philosophers and scientists alike have always acknowledged the fact that there is something or someone that is supernatural of whom the control of the universe is in its control. Don’t fail to thank GOD. Don’t fail to appreciate HIM, make sure you give out to those you are better off. A gift that you will feel the impact in your economy. It is like opening a children’s saving account for your newborn.
When you are done with all these, relax and enjoy the remaining budgeted money and time with family and friends.
Once it is the New Year; execute your plans strictly and carefully, you sure will tell so many testimonies while the year winds down. Planning is key. Action is the antidote to failure. Failure only comes when action is ignored. DONT MISTAKE  MOTION FOR ACTION.
We wish all our friends, clients, customers and family a resounding Christmas celebration and a purposeful 2013. The good God will favour you and all that you do. Amen.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012


"The first requisite for success is to apply your physical and mental energies to one problem incessantly without growing weary."
                                                                 (Thomas Edison)
The world is full of people who are waiting for someone to come along and motivate them to be the kind of people they wish they could be. The problem is that, "No one is coming to the rescue."

These people are waiting for a bus on a street where no busses pass. As a result, if they don't take charge of their lives and put the pressure on themselves, they can end up waiting forever. And that is what most people do.

Only about 2% of people can work entirely without supervision. We call these people "leaders." This is the kind of person you are meant to be.
Your job is to form the habit of putting the pressure on yourself, and not waiting for someone else to come along and do it for you. You must choose your own frogs and then make yourself eat them in their order of importance.

The standards you set for your own work and behavior should be higher than anyone else could set for you.
Make it a game with yourself to start a little earlier, work a little harder and stay a little later. Always look for ways to go the extra mile, to do more than you are
paid for.

Your self-esteem, the core of your personality, has been defined by the psychologist Nathaniel Brandon as "your reputation with yourself."
You build up or pull down your reputation with yourself with everything you do, or fail to do. The good news is that you feel terrific about yourself whenever you push yourself to do your best, whenever you go beyond where the average person would normally quit.

Imagine each day that you have just received an emergency message and that you will have to leave town tomorrow for a month. If you had to leave town for a month, what would you absolutely make sure got done before you left? Whatever it is, go to work on that task right now.
Imagine that you just received all-expenses paid vacation as a prize, but you will have to leave tomorrow morning on the vacation or it

will be given to someone else. What would you be determined to get finished before you left so that you could take that vacation? Whatever it is, start on that one job immediately.
Successful people continually put the pressure on themselves to perform at high levels. Unsuccessful people have to be instructed and supervised and pressured by others.

One of the great ways for you to overcome procrastination is by working as though you only had one day to get all your most important jobs done before you left for a month or went on vacation.

By putting the pressure on yourself, you accomplish more and better tasks, faster than ever before. You become a high performance, high-achieving personality. You feel terrific about yourself, and bit by bit, you build up the habit of rapid task completion that then goes on to serve you all the days of your life.

And working in this way means you have chosen to succeed in your work. by choosing to succeed implies you have agreed to love the job/work/business you do. The most import antidote to success is loving what you do and working as though your life depends on it. Dont just be the other person your Boss must tell every thing to do. Be pro-active and appreciate pressure,it doesnt kill,it brings out the best in you.

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

PARETO'S PRINCIPLE! Time,work=money=success

"We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright."
(Wolfgang Von Goethe)

The 80/20 Rule is one of the most helpful of all concepts of time and life management. It is also called the Pareto Principle after its founder, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, who first wrote about it in 1895. Pareto noticed that people in his society seemed to divide naturally into what he called the "vital few," the top 20% in terms of money and influence, and the "trivial many," the bottom 80%.

He later discovered that virtually all economic activity was subject to this Pareto Principle as well.
For example, this rule says that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results. 20% of your customers will account for 80% of your sales. 20% of your products or services will account for 80% of your profits. 20% of your tasks will account for 80% of the value of what you do, and so on.
This means that if you have a list of ten items to do, two of those items will turn out to be worth as much or more than the other eight items put together.

Here is an interesting discovery. Each of these tasks may take the same amount of time to accomplish. But one or two of those tasks will contribute five or ten times the value as any of the others.
Often, one item on a list of ten things that you have to do can be worth more than all the other
nine items put together. This task is invariably the frog that you should eat first.

Can you guess on which items the average person is most likely to procrastinate? The sad fact is that most people procrastinate on the top ten or twenty percent of items that are the most valuable and important, the "vital few." They busy themselves instead with the least important 80%, the "trivial many" that contribute very little to results.

You often see people who appear to be busy all day long but they seem to accomplish very little. This is almost always because they are busy doing things that are of low value while they procrastinate on the one or two activities that could make a real difference to their companies and to their careers.
The most valuable tasks you can do each day are often the hardest and most complex. But the payoff and rewards for completing these tasks efficiently can be tremendous. For this reason, you must
adamantly refuse to work on tasks in the bottom 80% while you still have tasks in the top 20% left to be done.
Before you begin work, always ask yourself, "Is this task in the top 20% of my activities or in the bottom 80%?"

Rule: "Resist the temptation to clear up small things first."
Remember, whatever you
choose to do, over and over, eventually becomes a habit that is hard to break. If you choose to start your day on low value tasks, you soon develop the habit of always starting and working on low value tasks. This is not the kind of habit you want to develop, or keep.

The hardest part of any important task is getting started on it in the first place. Once you actually begin work on a valuable task, you seem to be naturally motivated to continue. There is a part of your mind that loves to be busy working on significant tasks that can really make a difference. Your job is to feed this part of your mind continually.

thinking about starting and finishing an important task motivates you and helps you to overcome procrastination. The fact is that the amount of time required to complete an important job is often the same as the time required to do an unimportant job. The difference is that you get a tremendous feeling of pride and satisfaction from the completion of something valuable and significant.
However, when you complete a low value task, using the same amount of time and energy, you get little or no satisfaction at all.

Time management is really
life management, personal management. It is really taking control over the sequence of events. Time management is control over what you do next. And you are always free to choose the task that you will do next. Your ability to choose between the important and the unimportant is the key determinant of your success in life and work.

Effective, productive people discipline themselves to start on the most important task that is before them. They force themselves to eat that frog, whatever it is. As a result, they accomplish vastly more than the average person and are much happier as a result. This should be your way of working as well.
Eat That Frog!
Make a list of all the key goals, activities, projects and responsibilities in your life today. Which of them are, or could be, in the top 10% or 20% of tasks that represent, or could represent, 80% or 90% of your results?
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Monday, 29 October 2012



By now you’re probably familiar with the fact that only 10% of entrepreneurs achieve business success.
The good news is that there’s really only one reason for this. The reason is: They give up before they achieve success!  But why do 90% of entrepreneurs just give up during the first three years of their start-up?
Well, because starting a business isn’t always easy. Sometimes it can take a year, two, or three until you’re truly up and running…until you’re truly “successful.” And most people don’t have the mental stamina to undergo those first few years of delayed gratification and intense hard work…hence the meager 10% success rate.
Thankfully, 99% of entrepreneurial success is purely mental (ie: not giving up), which means you can simply train and condition your mind to be stronger…so you don’t just give up right before achieving your success.
Here are 3 powerful ways to ensure your mental strength and stamina so you persist (even when the going gets tough) and ultimately achieve the real entrepreneurial success you deserve:
1 – Practice Rational Optimism. Guess what? Optimism has a curvilinear relationship with performance. This means the more optimistic you feel, the better you perform (in anything). However, if you’re too optimistic or irrationally optimistic your levels of performance actually start to decrease.
That’s because when you’re overly optimistic you might not even notice potentially damaging-to-your-business information…which means you don’t strategically address it. Entrepreneurs especially need to watch out for this because studies show that they tend to be more optimistic than non-entrepreneurs to begin with. After all, do you know how many people consider the idea of starting a business outright impossible? …That’s the point.
On the flip side, when you’re not feeling optimistic enough, you’re not even motivated to act because all you see are problems (that often seem bigger than they really are).
So, what’s an incredibly vital key to entrepreneurial success?
Stay rationally optimistic. This enables you to actually perceive potential challenges, problems, and setbacks as they arise, while still giving you the positivity and psychological stamina to effectively address them and grow bigger, better, and more profitable from them.
2 – Keep it honest. Believe it or not, honesty and ethics are gigantic components to business success. Your level of honesty as an entrepreneur influences everything from your corporate culture to the likelihood that you’ll receive repeat business. Studies show that one of the strongest factors to influence entrepreneurial success is actually your honesty factor and the degree to which you act ethically.
Negative values like dishonesty and saying ANYTHING just to get the sale not only harm the global marketplace but they also harm your bottom line…and often (rationally speaking), it’s only a matter of time before negative reputations catch up with business owners.
Solution: Keep your character and business values ethical and honest. Science reassuringly shows us again and again that it literally pays off to be a good person (not a martyr of course, but an honest, ethical, decent person). Now that’s worth millions!
3- Remember, stress and creativity don’t mingle well. As an entrepreneur you probably face tons of stress all the time. Our best advice: don’t sweat ANY of it. Why? Because the more stressed out you feel the less equipped you are to actually come up with creative solutions to the issues stressing you and your business in the first place.
The truth is that once your brain gets stressed it causes a chemical reaction that makes it nearly impossible for you to be creative. This means the more you’re stressed out (a lot or a little), the less you’ll be able to get the competitive, creative edge you need to thrive and succeed and business.
Best advice: Take it easy! Be Rationally Optimistic! Anytime you face a potential stressor in business, ask yourself: What’s beneficial about this for me / my organization? How can we use this to grow and progress ahead? What awesome benefit has this given us that we wouldn’t have received otherwise? These questions get your creative juices flowing in the direction of growth and progress


Characteristics of a Successful Entrepreneur
Guts: Guts means you must have an entrepreneurial instinct, which is an overwhelming desire to start your own business. You must have the guts and dedication to be completely devoted to your goal. Incidentally, devotion to your goal is much more likely if you have a love for your intended business. Life is too short to start your own business only to discover that it doesn't give you satisfaction and joy. And, through good times and bad times, you will stick with something you love.
Brains: While appropriate educational credentials are important, entrepreneurial "brains" means more than scholastic achievements. To become a successful entrepreneur, you must have a working knowledge about the business you plan to start before you start it. Common sense combined with appropriate experience is the necessary brainpower. Prudence, follow through and attention to detail are very important.
Capital: To start your own business you will need seed money of your own plus sufficient cash to maintain a positive cash flow for at least the first year. In a future session you will learn how to forecast future cash requirements through cash flow control. Many businesses can be started on a very small scale with a small investment. Then, as the business grows and you gain experience, cash flow from your business can be used for growth. In some cases you don't need starting capital to hire other people because you might start by doing everything yourself. The "do it yourself" start is a good way to learn everything about your business and also makes you better qualified to delegate work to others later on. You can control your risk by placing a limit on how much you invest in your business.

How To Start Your Own Business: A Step-by-Step Approach
Decide if you really want to be in business:
You will be putting some (not all, hopefully) of your net worth at risk when you take the plunge and start your own business. You will run the risk of becoming eccentric, meaning creating a life that is out of balance, with working hours taking away from other family or pleasurable activities. There may be levels of stress you have not experienced as an employee.
Decide what business and where:
Once you have decided you have the characteristics of a successful entrepreneur and that you definitely want to be in business, then you must decide which business is best for you and where to locate that business. Selection strategy is covered later on in this Session.
Decide whether to start full-time or moonlight:
There are some interesting advantages and some pitfalls in starting as a moonlight business. (That is, a business you start in your off hours while still working at your current job.) More often than not, the advantages of starting your business as a moonlighter outweigh the risks:
  • You avoid burning your bridges of earnings, including retirement, health and fringe benefits and vacations.
  • Your full-time job won't suffer if you maintain certain conflict of interest disciplines, including compartmentalizing your job and business into completely separate worlds.
  • You can avoid conflict of interest with your job by choosing a business that is appropriate for moonlighting, such as: single products, real estate, specialized food, e-commerce, direct marketing or family-run operations.
  • There are great advantages for operating a family business. The family can run the business while you are at work. You have a built-in organizational structure. You can teach your kids the benefits of being in business.
But there are also some pitfalls to consider in starting a moonlight business:
  • There is a temptation to spend time at your job working on your moonlight business. That is unfair to your employer and should not be done under any circumstances. (You may need a family member or some trusted person to cover emergencies when you are at your job.)
  • Another problem may be competing with your employer, which, again, is not right. Think of how you would feel or handle this employee if you were the boss.
  • Any kind of conflict with your regular work can jeopardize your job and your moonlight business.
  • Overwork and mental and physical exhaustion can also become a very real problem for moonlight entrepreneurs.
Selection Strategy

Selecting the wrong business is the most frequent mistake that start-up entrepreneurs make. Here is a checklist to help you select a successful one:
  • Take your time and wait for the business that is just right for you. You will not be penalized for missing opportunities. The selection process takes a lot of planning and your experience and complete knowledge is vital for your success when learning how to start your own business.
  • Don't tackle businesses that may be too challenging. It is better to identify a one-foot hurdle than try to jump a seven-footer.
  • Try to identify a business that has long-term economic potential. Follow Wayne Gretzky's advice, "Go to where the puck is going, not to where it is."
  • A big mistake can be an error of omission. This means you may fail to see an opportunity that is right in front of you.
  • Look for a business that will grow in today's and tomorrow's markets. Many small retail stores are no longer in business because huge stores such as Wal-Mart and Home Depot provide more choices to the customer and often at a cheaper price.
  • Follow the advice of Warren Buffett, Chairman of Berkshire-Hathaway Inc. and the most successful business picker in American history: Mr. Buffett looks for businesses that focus on a "consumer monopoly" with pricing power and long-term predictable growth prospects. Examples include: See's Candy's, Coca-Cola and Gillette Razors. Can you copycat this philosophy in a small way?
  • Businesses to avoid are "commodity" businesses where you must compete entirely on price and in which you must have the lowest cost to survive. As Mr. Buffett has said, "In a commodity type business you're only as smart as your dumbest competitor."
  • Most service businesses have pricing power.
  • Should you bet on a business you don't know when you can bet on a business you do know?
  • If you intend to manufacture a product, consider the pros and cons of contracting out production to a low-cost supplier. In other words, operate a "hollow corporation." A "hollow corporation" is a company that subcontracts manufacturing and packaging.
Things to Watch Out For:

  • Impatience
  • Do not let overconfidence short-circuit you from analyzing your selection of businesses carefully. You must not fear of hearing the negative aspects; it is much better to be aware of them and face them early on.
  • Be realistic. Do not become lured by high rewards. They will come if you choose the right business and if you understand every aspect of the business before you open its doors.

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Seven things you need to know before starting your business

 Seven things you need to know before starting your business

"If I knew then what I know now, I would have done things differently."
Sound familiar? Many small business owners say this over and over again. like those of us that started roughly, it has become experience. No child would wish a child to take same rough route he/she took. Thats why you are having this expert advice. Some people will quote steve Jobs when he said"give you customers a products and make them like it" Yes its true, but not for a starter. As a budding entrepreneuer, always have it in mind that before your arival,many people have been there. So you are fighting a war to gain relevance. Business decisions is a very witty one. It should be calculated, and when its fair to you,its called success. Take a look at this list of things to think about before you get started.

1. Sell what your customers want.
Don't focus only on what you want. If you don't think about your customers, chances are they won't buy your product. Make sure you research your market to find out if your service or product makes sense and has a potential customer base.

2. Write a business plan.
This is the best way to attract investors and lenders for your business. A good business plan also helps you keep detailed records of your vision and goals. Write your business plan.

3. Know your strengths.
Focus on what you do well and leave the rest. You don't have to know all the answers and you don't have to cover all the bases. Be realistic about what you can and can't do. Remember, it's better to ask for help when you don't know something.

4. Do your research.
Use classes, seminars, books, and tapes to learn all you can before you start. If you don't know anything about running a business, there are plenty of free and low-cost classes, books, and tapes. Try your local library or bookstore, and ask around. Find out all you can about your market, your competition, possible locations, and what people want.

5. Live within your means.
You need to keep a close eye on your budget or you'll end up in serious debt or out of business very quickly. If you can't get everything you think you need right away, stop and rethink your plan.

6. Create a marketing plan.This is your key to attracting new customers. Map out how you want to get new customers to use your product or service and how you'll keep them coming back. You have to sell yourself to get people to come to you.

7. You can't do it all by yourself.
The more people you have helping you with the "little things," the more time you can spend growing your business. Don't be afraid to ask for help and advice from friends and family.
I am always ready to guide you to the river,just get your fishing tools lets go. Good luck.

Seven things you need to know before starting your business


"If I knew then what I know now, I would have done things differently."
Sound familiar? Many small business owners say this over and over again. like those of us that started roughly, it has become experience. No child would wish a child to take same rough route he/she took. Thats why you are having this expert advice. Some people will quote steve Jobs when he said"give you customers a products and make them like it" Yes its true, but not for a starter. As a budding entrepreneuer, always have it in mind that before your arival,many people have been there. So you are fighting a war to gain relevance. Business decisions is a very witty one. It should be calculated, and when its fair to you,its called success. Take a look at this list of things to think about before you get started.

1. Sell what your customers want.
Don't focus only on what you want. If you don't think about your customers, chances are they won't buy your product. Make sure you research your market to find out if your service or product makes sense and has a potential customer base.

2. Write a business plan.
This is the best way to attract investors and lenders for your business. A good business plan also helps you keep detailed records of your vision and goals. Write your business plan.

3. Know your strengths.
Focus on what you do well and leave the rest. You don't have to know all the answers and you don't have to cover all the bases. Be realistic about what you can and can't do. Remember, it's better to ask for help when you don't know something.

4. Do your research.
Use classes, seminars, books, and tapes to learn all you can before you start. If you don't know anything about running a business, there are plenty of free and low-cost classes, books, and tapes. Try your local library or bookstore, and ask around. Find out all you can about your market, your competition, possible locations, and what people want.

5. Live within your means.
You need to keep a close eye on your budget or you'll end up in serious debt or out of business very quickly. If you can't get everything you think you need right away, stop and rethink your plan.

6. Create a marketing plan.This is your key to attracting new customers. Map out how you want to get new customers to use your product or service and how you'll keep them coming back. You have to sell yourself to get people to come to you.

7. You can't do it all by yourself.
The more people you have helping you with the "little things," the more time you can spend growing your business. Don't be afraid to ask for help and advice from friends and family.
I am always ready to guide you to the river,just get your fishing tools lets go. Good luck.

Seven things you need to know before starting your business


"If I knew then what I know now, I would have done things differently."
Sound familiar? Many small business owners say this over and over again. like those of us that started roughly, it has become experience. No child would wish a child to take same rough route he/she took. Thats why you are having this expert advice. Some people will quote steve Jobs when he said"give you customers a products and make them like it" Yes its true, but not for a starter. As a budding entrepreneuer, always have it in mind that before your arival,many people have been there. So you are fighting a war to gain relevance. Business decisions is a very witty one. It should be calculated, and when its fair to you,its called success. Take a look at this list of things to think about before you get started.

1. Sell what your customers want.
Don't focus only on what you want. If you don't think about your customers, chances are they won't buy your product. Make sure you research your market to find out if your service or product makes sense and has a potential customer base.

2. Write a business plan.
This is the best way to attract investors and lenders for your business. A good business plan also helps you keep detailed records of your vision and goals. Write your business plan.

3. Know your strengths.
Focus on what you do well and leave the rest. You don't have to know all the answers and you don't have to cover all the bases. Be realistic about what you can and can't do. Remember, it's better to ask for help when you don't know something.

4. Do your research.
Use classes, seminars, books, and tapes to learn all you can before you start. If you don't know anything about running a business, there are plenty of free and low-cost classes, books, and tapes. Try your local library or bookstore, and ask around. Find out all you can about your market, your competition, possible locations, and what people want.

5. Live within your means.
You need to keep a close eye on your budget or you'll end up in serious debt or out of business very quickly. If you can't get everything you think you need right away, stop and rethink your plan.

6. Create a marketing plan.This is your key to attracting new customers. Map out how you want to get new customers to use your product or service and how you'll keep them coming back. You have to sell yourself to get people to come to you.

7. You can't do it all by yourself.
The more people you have helping you with the "little things," the more time you can spend growing your business. Don't be afraid to ask for help and advice from friends and family.
I am always ready to guide you to the river,just get your fishing tools lets go. Good luck.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Watch ex-wives of Zaaki Adzay, Frank Edoho and oth...

 Watch ex-wives of Zaaki Adzay, Frank Edoho and oth...: In support of Peace One Day's Global Truce 2012 'Reducing Domestic Violence' Campaign and in celebration of Peace Day taking place on the...

Marry whom you love and you wont have to beat your partner.


It's Monday morning, six a.m. and your alarm is buzzing. You're thinking: "Goodbye sleep and hello harsh reality." Another workweek has begun. You hit the snooze button at least two or three times, rush through your morning dress ritual, and then tear out of the door to a job you can't stand. As always, you briefly toy with the idea of becoming your own boss. Is it possible? You assess your situation and remind yourself that while you dream rich, you live cash poor. A steady paycheck is what gets you out of bed every morning, and the fear of not having one is what keeps you locked into the daily grind.
But here's the thing—lacking startup capital shouldn't keep you from striking out on your own. Not when there are a number of businesses that require little or no upfront, out-of-pocket expenses.

Turn your favorite hobby into a day job 
Many of these startups are created by people who turn their favorite hobbies into jobs. "Karen Holly" Jewelry, for example, was started by two network television employees who loved making jewelry in their spare time. The women made necklaces and bracelets in their home and sold them to co-workers. Now their creations are sold to upscale clients in Atlanta area salons and boutiques.
Do you like shopping and running errands? You might want to consider starting a personal assistant business. You can use your spare time to run errands, set up schedules and do other "favors" for busy professionals. When you want to expand, simply dedicate a bit more time to your enterprise or recruit others to become employees.
From nollywood Elite to the busy executives in your neighborhood, personal assistants can make a pretty penny playing "gopher". Commanding any where from 15,000 an hour, it can be a pretty lucrative business. And it tops the list as one of the easiest ways to earn money without having to put out a dime. Other than the small amount of money it would take to incorporate or form an LLC, there is only one big expense—gas for your vehicle.

Personal Training
Are you a gym nut? If so, you may be missing out on a fast and easy way to make money. Personal trainers are raking in big bucks these days. Take for example P. Diddy's personal trainer, Mark Jenkins, who was paid six figures to get Puffy in tip top shape for the New York marathon. But you don't need to have high-rolling clients like Puff to make good money. Many busy, image-conscious professionals need a little help in the fitness department. Less glamorous personal trainers make anywhere from $60 to $600 an hour, depending on the client.

Personal Shopping
Attention Shoppers. Your shopping addiction could actually increase your bank account rather than deplete it. Just transfer your addition to shopping onto others. It takes little money to become a personal shopper as your clients will pay for both your time and the merchandise you buy for them. But take note—this job does actually require a modicum of talent. You'll also need to occasionally adapt your taste to that of your client, so even if you wouldn't be caught dead buying a Lladro figurine, you may just have to expand your horizons long enough to satisfy your patron. This is also an ideal job to begin doing part-time on the weekends until you build sufficient cash flow and confidence to quit your day job and become a full-time entrepreneur.

Closet Organizer
A closely related cousin of the personal shopper is the professional closet organizer. Idea for Type A personalities, closet organizers come into your home not to create closet shelves, but to edit your wardrobe down to the basics. In addition to throwing out worn items and eliminating wardrobe redundancies, talented closet organizers also identify needed essentials and seasonal "must-haves." It's more or less a spring cleaning service for your wardrobe. The only required element of this job is patience and organizational skills.
Generally speaking, all of us have at least one skill or interest that, if properly adapted, could result in a lucrative career. It comes down to this—if the thing you love doing the most could be of value to others, you've found your business. And in most cases, the most you'll need is a business plan, some time and a little seed money. Many people finance as they go, keeping their "day job" and paying for business necessities out of pocket. Others accumulate a few months' worth of savings or acquire a small loan and take the leap, knowing that their new idea will fly. It all depends on your current life situation, financial picture and confidence level.

Are you right for franchising?
Born entrepreneurs aside, to most of us the idea of starting a business completely from scratch is a scary thought. In this case, you may be a perfect candidate for opening a franchise. With good credit or the ability to raise money, you could own the next Subway or Mail Boxes Etc. outlet in your neighborhood. Not only will you be starting with a proven business model, you'll also enjoy the high-level marketing, national name recognition, and free business training typically made available to you as a new franchisee.

Show me the money!
The federal government also has programs for small business owners. For example, there is a grant program that provides funding to those willing to start "youwin" businesses in certain communities or conversely, programs for businesses that provide high-need services to the government. There are also a number of grants available for women and minority entrepreneurs.
Many state economic development offices and treasury departments have similar programs for their residents. Your best bet would be to call the treasurer's office in the state in which you reside. Even the IRS has a small business section that offers advice on setting up your business and explains the tax laws that could apply to your enterprise. It's worth it to do the research in the early stages of your business to prevent serious problems down the road.
The Small Business Association is by far the most well known agency for entrepreneurs. The SBA has grants, low interest loans and support services for business owners at every stage. A counselor from the group can help you set up a business plan, find funding, and teach you how to network and advertise your new business. There are SBA offices in just about every city that provide in-person counseling.
It could be the first step to making your dream come true.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012


Starting a business in Nigeria could be scary and most atimes discouraging. but then,"when the road gets tough,the tough keeps going". I mean that there are so much to earn you legitmate income in this country than the outside world.

In 2008, a friend of mine Jake,was so broke after his NYSC that he could not afford a three square meal. He told me a story of how he was slaped by a woman that owns a kiosk in his street as a result of N10 debt. That very day,he got home and cried aloud,yet no help came. The next day,he got up very early in the morning,when every employee haste to work. He dressed up and was headed Lagos Island,he had no destination,but to him,he must leave the house!

After wandering the streets of the tower buildings without luck,he determined,he was going to keep moving in and out of offices,droping his CVs. but then each time he walks into an office,they told him the bad news."we dont need new hands". My friend called me and requested my office address,to get transport fare back home. he was really downcast and worn out.

When he came around,i said to him"Jake congratulations,you have just found yourelf a job" He was confused and in disbelieve. and he querried"which job,how,where?". i gave him water to drink and then told him,your decision to leave your comfort zone,is the job you have found. You have seen how people work here,they dont have chance to themselves. Thats their problems,"go home and write out in a plain sheet,the likely problems you percieved from the people and offices you came in contact today. i gave him the money,and he left.

The next day,Jake was the 1st to call to my office@6:15am. It was a meeting day,so i asked him to wait for me. He has brought his write ups,the problems people have working on the island that he has seen. as he sat at the reception,Jake was still busy writing more. When i asked him to come in,he had written over one hundred. I told him to read them out one after another,and he did. I asked him,how many of the problems can you solve,,,,,he paused for a while and said aloud,TEN! so i said to him,"JAke congratulations on your new job once more. immediately he held my hand and said,thank you,i shall meet you up there,,,,,,,,,,,he left.

Today, Jake has moved to the island. running a laundry service he started in his resident. He now have two offices. He goes extra miles,going to offices to pick the clothings of ever busy executives and employees and returning them in the most posible time. The last time he came to collect my suits from the office,he came with a clean delivery bus,of which he bought from the proceed of his labour.

My good friends,i am a testimony of this. If i could start a company with just N250,000 in 2009, of which the coy is worth over 20M now,i bet you. You can do more. There are many business you can start with just as little as your brain. 3months after my first business brain seminar in Surulere,a certain man called me and said,"Sir,for over 45years of my life,i have lived without brain, but after your lecture,i felt like i have wasted all my life. but it wasnt late to try. Sir,i made use of my brain,and now im smiling everyday,coz i keep recieving deposit alerts from my bank accounts...Sir,i want to appreciate you and say God bless you". To him, success is in the brain.

What do you love doing,what do people around you need but cant easily get at,what need can you solve? Let this guide you. Make a choice today! lets help you get there if you desire.....08167029374,greghugohills@gmail.com.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

STILL thinking on what to Start with?

Haven given you so much ideas on how to condition your brain/self for business and opportunities, let me tell you some painstakenly researched business opportunities in this country of which most people run away from. being a trader(buying and selling) has many advantages,but it is not as much as being an industrialist. That means,you control the price of your products,you dictate the tempo,you resume when you will. and so on. Here im going to tell you about agro-industry. The easiest,low-cost and low expense ideas. Many people are already in the millionaire's club through this very idea.

i have always advocated for the kind of business you so love. that means you have to ask you conscience, will i be satisfied doing the type of business i want to,do i have enough training and ideas, do i need to upgrade myself,and so on. The above questions will surelly help you when making a decision. I have to say here, THAT ITS NOT JUST AS EASY AS YOU THINK; but if you believe and do it, your name will definitely change to success. Bank managers will be looking for you. your destiny will change.
Well, IF YOU DESIRE TO START SOMETHING LIKE THIS,WE HAVE THE MOST TRUSTED BUSINESS PLANS FOR ALL THE IDEAS; that will help you in securing loan or investment. We will also lead you to where you will get help.

make the call: 08167029374 or email greghugohills@gmail.com,gregdexter001@yahoo.com

Tuesday, 7 August 2012


Most people who are employed, do not love the kind of job they do. They simply work to survive the Nigerian/African experience. Most people who are jobless yet, had failed to awake the inherent talent hiden under the carpet of love.

The first thing ever is, Do what you love and Love what you Do. now follow me here lets find out how to get there.

Starting a small business is one of the most serious decisions that a person can take in life. Positively, it often results in higher income levels than one could achieve as an employee together with the unique buzz of being your own boss but conversely it also can be stressful, will demand longer working hours and will probably reduce your ability to take long holidays.

Do you have a definite business idea? The desire to be your own boss is not enough to succeed. Empirical evidence clearly shows that those who do best normally have previous work experience in their chosen business field or have conducted thorough research. Research, Research, Research! Before committing to setting up a new business carry out as much research as possible, perhaps contacting any representative and professional bodies for their input and advice.

 In addition, it is important to note local market conditions as, unless you have a unique selling point, it is very difficult to succeed where a local market is saturated with established competitors. In addition, it is always wise buy a few pertinent general business books as most will encapsulate the basics of creating a successful business - The formula being remarkably consistent from sector to sector. Hope for the best but expect the worst! By definition most entrepreneurs are positive but ironically such optimism can often be their worst enemy, so always leave a sufficient financial safety blanket.

 Keep non-essential costs to a minimum. Many new business people overspend on hardware, expensive computers, printing etc. If your business does not require people physically coming to a shop or office do not waste money on office rental or even employing a secretary. In many cases, a serviced or virtual office will create the right impression at a fraction of the cost of having your own office.

Get Expert Advice: Today many government bodies and banks offer free business start up advice. In general such advice may not be all encompassing and may have certain vested interests but by seeking such advice from a number of different suppliers you should end up with a fair understanding of how to develop your new business. Consider a mentorship program or perhaps a training. I am a product of trainings, uncountable of them. Now that i have started,i barely make some costly business mistakes. and that is the essence of being train.
IZSYhands can always do that for you.
keep a date with me on this blog or call 08167029374 for business idea harnessing and mentorship.

Thursday, 12 July 2012


If now you reason the way i do, let us discuss on how to step out. Most times, its just that first step sthat matters. just like a little baby learning how to walk.

Running your own business is a rewarding but engaging career and life choice. It demands your time and focus. Start by expecting to live your work until it is established so it can get off the ground. There are many different opinions about how to start a business from researching and writing a detailed business plan -- to organize it all -- to just jumping into a passion and trying to make money out of it.

Try these steps:

  • Think of every day problems and then think of how to help them. Make sure its something you can make with your own hands, or some simple tools.

  • Start with your idea. This probably isn't a brand new invention or product. In fact, many successful small businesses have found a way to deliver an existing service or product more efficiently and economically or have customized an existing product or service to fit an opportunity.

  • Put together a business plan. This doesn't require hundreds of pages with thousands of charts. Include research into things like how much you can charge for your product/service, how much it will cost to produce or deliver (include variable & fixed costs) and the size of your potential market (i.e. number of customers). The plan should evaluate your competitors - how many competitors, how strong are they, where are they, how will you compete. The plan should state what is required to enter this market, barriers to entry such as high fixed costs (factories, restaurants) and government regulations that must be met.

  • Determine if you need financing. Your business plan will include a section on financing. How will you pay the costs to start and run your business? Do you need a bank loan? Use credit cards? Self finance? Also, you'll need to consider how much salary you need to support yourself while starting your business.

  • Put together your initial marketing plan. Marketing need not cost a fortune. Some businesses require very little. For example, many service businesses such as accounting firms build their practices through word-of-mouth referrals. You can also join free or low-cost associations to build awareness of your small business. Again, your business plan (product, customer, competitor) will help you determine the marketing efforts you need to undertake.

  • Build your infrastructure early. This doesn't mean build a big factory or a fancy office. It simply means keep accurate customer records, a clean set of updated books and a technology foundation, if necessary. One of the downfalls of many small businesses is that they don't know if they're making or losing money (i.e. the need for a clean set of books). Another downfall is when small business owners try to sell their company years later but lack accurate customer history and customer information. Many times, the customers of a small business are its best asset, and, without the records, the small business can be sold only for salvage.

  • Move forward and get started. Once you know you can be profitable take the leap and get started. Besides getting business supplies or advertising, plan ahead by establishing some new business clients ahead of time. If you're business is unlike a restaurant, that physically needs to wait for customers to walk into it's doors, establish accounts ahead of time. In this way, you will have pre-planned future receivables to look forward to. Think about and focus on making money first, where ever possible, instead of spending money. The more money you can bring in, without spending money, the more profitable you are going to be.

  • Use the web. Use every technology available that will give your business a competitive advantage. The internet is a customers research tool. Help future customers learn more about you and the details about what you sell and why your products or services are different and better for them than other competitors.

  • Make paying for your items or service convenient. In today's world, understand how people pay. Carrying cash can be risky. Therefore, most people choose to carry checque,Visa, Mastercard, Atm cards. Especially now that the CBN has insisted on the cashless policy. All these credit cards are part of our societies everyday life for making purchases. Debit cards are becoming especially popular. So, along with having a sales counter cash register, get set up to accept credit cards for your business. If you have your website set up, you should also make paypal payments available because most consumers feel that this is more secure, and many will use paypal.
  • ...................................keep posted,,,,,drop your comments and ideas,lets see where you are and how to help. see you @the TOP. 


    Most people feel that else the land into an office where Airconditioner cools like the freezer they wouldnt ceed searching. some feel that else they have a good job that pays them over 200,000 NGN and receive even more benefits, they wouldnt stop. But the most of the numbers never realy had the opportunity to land any job atall.

    Now, if what you think,want,or wish is to become a very succesfull/rich person, then its time you stop searching for jobs. Mere inquiry will convince you that about the highest number of rich people in the world never really worked in the bank,oil companies,or communication companies. they are those that made the crazy decisions and did it themselves.

    while others sleep at night, they are thinking on how to turn the world into money. They are the ENTREPRENEURS. The NEVER SAY DIE's. all they see is opportunities,even in failure,they say its a steping stone. Do you care to know some of them? well, i guess you know them more than i do. Bill Gate(the microsoft founder) Warren Buffet, Steve Jobs(the man who made apple software) Aliko dangote,(black richest man,Femi Otedola,Greg Hugohills,,,,,,and so on. its your choice on wether to insert your name or not.
    Are you now set to make money? follow me here,lets talk,lets reason,lets guide you through the path we had passed and conquered.
    Do you believe that success is won, innate, or earned? The answer someone gives can tell you a lot about them, and why they are where they are.
    Success is won: if you believe that success is won, you experience animosity and envy toward those you view as lucky or more fortunate than you. You also believe that success is out of your control; it simply depends on a flip of the coin or certain circumstances.
    How hard are you willing to work if you believe that success is won rather than earned?
    Success is innate: people who believe success is innate often feel the same as those who believe it’s won. The only difference is that believers in innate-success have a more pessimistic view of opportunity; it’s trivial to them (we’ll go over this a little later). Why does opportunity matter if success is innate?
    How hard are you willing to work if you feel your opportunity doesn’t matter and your chances of success are nil because of your circumstances?
    Success is earned: the last group of people believes what we know to be true based on statistical analysis; success is earned. These people understand that in order to succeed, they must earn it. How do they earn it? They climb the mountain and utilize the same process others have used to achieve.
    How hard are you willing to work if you believe success must be earned?www.facebook.com/ghugohills